On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
<denni...@conversis.de> wrote:
> On 10/12/2010 10:28 AM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>> Striving for usability and pleasantness for the untechnical users certainly 
>>> is
>>> a good thing. It gets problematic when you choose to make things technically
>>> inferior just to please those kind of users.
>> We don't have to make things inferior to improve usability.  To stick
>> with the "advanved storage" example:  IMHO the selection screen between
>> basic and advanced storage is confusing and superfluous.  First it
>> should probably be named "local storage" and "SAN storage".  Second
>> anaconda can default to local storage if a local disk is present (option
>> to add SAN storage needs to be there of course).  If no local disk is
>> present it can go straight to SAN setup.  One screen and one mouse click
>> less for most of the users.
> If you want to appeal to the same audience Ubuntu is going for then you
> have to remove choice. The whole storage bit needs to be completely removed
> or at least stripped down. "advanced storage" certainly has to disappear
> completely.
> The only way to accomplish this without actually removing the features is
> to have two anaconda modes one for easy desktop installation and one full
> featured mode. This mode should be chosen not by the user but by the spin
> e.g. the desktop spin would use the easy mode and the server or workstation
> spins would use the full featured one.
> You cannot make two distinct target audiences happy with one workflow
> especially if one of those groups requires a limitation of choice.
> Regards,
>   Dennis
> --
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Why this mode could not be selected by the user?

I would say that the default mode be more like the Ubuntu installer
and give the choice of an advanced mode like the current one. When you
boot the CD/DVD, you could easily add the new choice in the list
(Install, Install (advanced features), Boot from hard drive, etc).

Jean-Francois Saucier (djf_jeff)
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