On Fri, 2020-11-20 at 11:26 -0500, Ben Cotton wrote:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GNUToolchain
> == Summary ==
> Switch the Fedora 33 GNU Toolchain to gcc 11, binutils 2.35, and glibc 2.33.

Hi Ben, shouldn't this ^^ be Fedora 34 ?

> The binutils 2.35 change is being tracked here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/BINUTILS235
> The gcc 11 and glibc 2.33 change will be tracked in this top-level GNU
> Toolchain system-wide update.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:codonell|Carlos O'Donell]], [[User:law|Jeff Law]]
> * Email: car...@redhat.com, l...@redhat.com
> == Detailed Description ==
> The GNU Compiler Collection, GNU C Library, and GNU Binary Utilities
> make up the core part of the GNU Toolchain and it is useful to
> transition these components as a complete implementation when making a
> new release of Fedora.
> The GNU Compiler Collection will be releasing version 11 containing
> many new features documented here:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/changes.html.  Historically pre-releases of
> GCC drop into Fedora in Jan/Feb just prior to the mass rebuild.  The
> major process change this year is the desire to drop in snapshots of
> GCC 11 into rawhide starting in November with updates throughout the
> Fedora 34 release process as needed.
> The GNU C Library version 2.33 will be released at the beginning of
> February 2020; we have started closely tracking the glibc 2.33
> development code in Fedora Rawhide and are addressing any issues as
> they arise. Given the present schedule Fedora 34 will branch after the
> glibc 2.33 upstream release. However, the mass rebuild schedule means
> Fedora 34 will mass rebuild (if required) after glibc 2.33 upstream
> freezes ABI for release, but before the actual release, so careful
> attention must be paid to any last minute ABI changes.
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> Stays up to date with latest features, improvements security and bug
> fixes from gcc and glibc upstream.
> The change to drop GCC 11 snapshots into rawhide earlier is meant to
> start more wide scale testing of GCC earlier.  This means that package
> maintainers will not be faced with a onslaught on FTBFS issues in
> Feb/Mar and the GCC maintainers will not be as stressed trying to fix
> all Fedora related issues in a short time frame as well.
> == Scope ==
> The gcc and glibc teams will need to move their respective upstream
> projects to a releasable state.  For GCC this includes correctly
> building Fedora rawhide.
> * Other developers: Developers need to ensure that gcc, binutils, and
> glibc in rawhide is stable and ready for the Fedora 34 branch. Given
> that glibc is backwards compatible and we have been testing the new
> glibc in rawhide it should make very little impact when updated,
> except for the occasional deprecation warnings and removal of legacy
> interfaces from public header files.  GCC is currently being tested
> weekly against Fedora rawhide and fixes for issues discovered are
> continually dropping into rawhide to minimize the impact on package
> maintainers.  However, we fully expect some issues to arise,
> particularly as the GCC team's tests are limited to x86_64.
> * Release engineering:  [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9858 9858] A
> mass rebuild is strongly encouraged.
> * Policies and guidelines: The policies and guidelines do not need to
> be updated.
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> <!-- What happens to systems that have had a previous versions of
> Fedora installed and are updated to the version containing this
> change? Will anything require manual configuration or data migration?
> Will any existing functionality be no longer supported? -->
> The compiler, and the the library are backwards compatible with the
> previous version of Fedora.
> Some packaging changes may be required for the glibc 2.33 rebase:
> https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Release/2.33#Packaging_Changes
> Some source changes may be required for gcc 11 rebase:
> https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/changes.html
> We fully expect to fix all packaging changes in Fedora Rawhide without
> impact to the release.
> == How To Test ==
> The GNU C compiler collection has its own testsuite which is run
> during the package build and examined by the gcc developers before
> being uploaded.  The GCC team also is also doing continuous testing of
> GCC 11 snapshots against Fedora rawhide to identify and resolve issues
> prior to new versions of GCC landing in rawhide.  This work will
> continue, particularly in Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb and we will use it to
> help guide decisions about snapshots are stable enough to not cause
> major Fedora rawhide disruptions.  We expect that by March the pace of
> updates will reduce significantly.
> The GCC team will likely need some help addressing some of the new
> diagnostics that require package specific knowledge to determine if
> the code is valid or not.  This is not new, but the timing will shift
> to earlier points in the Fedora release cycle.
> The GNU C Library has its own testsuite, which is run during the
> package build and examined by the glibc developers before being
> uploaded. This test suite has over 6200 tests that run to verify the
> correct operation of the library. In the future may also run the
> microbenchmark to look for performance regressions.
> == User Experience ==
> Users will see improved performance, many bugfixes and improvements to
> POSIX compliance, additional locales, etc.
> == Dependencies ==
> All packages do not need to be rebuilt due to backwards compatibility.
> However, it is advantageous if a mass rebuild is performed during the
> Fedora 34 cycle.
> == Contingency Plan ==
> * Contingency mechanism: If gcc 11 proves too disruptive to compiling
> the distribution, which is not expected, we could revert to gcc 10 for
> the release. If glibc 2.33 provides too disruptive to compiling the
> distribution we could revert to 2.32, but given that Rawhide has
> started tracking glibc 2.33, no show-stopper problems are expected.
> At this point, we can still revert to upstream version 2.32 if
> insurmountable problems appear, but to do so may require a mass
> rebuild to remove new symbols from the ABI/API.
> * Contingency deadline: Upstream glibc ABI freeze deadline of 2021-02-01.
> * Blocks release? Yes, upgrading to gcc 11 blocks the release. Yes,
> upgrading glibc does block the release. We should not ship without a
> newer gcc and glibc, there will be gcc and language features that
> depend on glibc being upgraded. Thus without the upgrade some features
> will be disabled or fall back to less optimal implementations.
> == Documentation ==
> The gcc manual contains the documentation for the release and doesn't
> need any more additional work.
> The glibc manual contains the documentation for the release and
> doesn't need any more additional work.
> == Release Notes ==
> The GNU Compiler Collection version 11 will be released shortly. See
> https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/changes.html.
> The GNU C Library version 2.32 will be released at the beginning of
> August 2020. The current NEWS notes can be seen here as they are
> added: https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob;f=NEWS;hb=HEAD
> -- 
> Ben Cotton
> He / Him / His
> Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
> Red Hat
> TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis
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