== Summary ==
Switch the Fedora 33 GNU Toolchain to gcc 11, binutils 2.35, and glibc 2.33.

The binutils 2.35 change is being tracked here:

The gcc 11 and glibc 2.33 change will be tracked in this top-level GNU
Toolchain system-wide update.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:codonell|Carlos O'Donell]], [[User:law|Jeff Law]]
* Email:,

== Detailed Description ==
The GNU Compiler Collection, GNU C Library, and GNU Binary Utilities
make up the core part of the GNU Toolchain and it is useful to
transition these components as a complete implementation when making a
new release of Fedora.

The GNU Compiler Collection will be releasing version 11 containing
many new features documented here:  Historically pre-releases of
GCC drop into Fedora in Jan/Feb just prior to the mass rebuild.  The
major process change this year is the desire to drop in snapshots of
GCC 11 into rawhide starting in November with updates throughout the
Fedora 34 release process as needed.

The GNU C Library version 2.33 will be released at the beginning of
February 2020; we have started closely tracking the glibc 2.33
development code in Fedora Rawhide and are addressing any issues as
they arise. Given the present schedule Fedora 34 will branch after the
glibc 2.33 upstream release. However, the mass rebuild schedule means
Fedora 34 will mass rebuild (if required) after glibc 2.33 upstream
freezes ABI for release, but before the actual release, so careful
attention must be paid to any last minute ABI changes.

== Benefit to Fedora ==
Stays up to date with latest features, improvements security and bug
fixes from gcc and glibc upstream.

The change to drop GCC 11 snapshots into rawhide earlier is meant to
start more wide scale testing of GCC earlier.  This means that package
maintainers will not be faced with a onslaught on FTBFS issues in
Feb/Mar and the GCC maintainers will not be as stressed trying to fix
all Fedora related issues in a short time frame as well.

== Scope ==
The gcc and glibc teams will need to move their respective upstream
projects to a releasable state.  For GCC this includes correctly
building Fedora rawhide.

* Other developers: Developers need to ensure that gcc, binutils, and
glibc in rawhide is stable and ready for the Fedora 34 branch. Given
that glibc is backwards compatible and we have been testing the new
glibc in rawhide it should make very little impact when updated,
except for the occasional deprecation warnings and removal of legacy
interfaces from public header files.  GCC is currently being tested
weekly against Fedora rawhide and fixes for issues discovered are
continually dropping into rawhide to minimize the impact on package
maintainers.  However, we fully expect some issues to arise,
particularly as the GCC team's tests are limited to x86_64.

* Release engineering:  [ 9858] A
mass rebuild is strongly encouraged.
* Policies and guidelines: The policies and guidelines do not need to
be updated.
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
<!-- What happens to systems that have had a previous versions of
Fedora installed and are updated to the version containing this
change? Will anything require manual configuration or data migration?
Will any existing functionality be no longer supported? -->

The compiler, and the the library are backwards compatible with the
previous version of Fedora.

Some packaging changes may be required for the glibc 2.33 rebase:

Some source changes may be required for gcc 11 rebase:

We fully expect to fix all packaging changes in Fedora Rawhide without
impact to the release.

== How To Test ==
The GNU C compiler collection has its own testsuite which is run
during the package build and examined by the gcc developers before
being uploaded.  The GCC team also is also doing continuous testing of
GCC 11 snapshots against Fedora rawhide to identify and resolve issues
prior to new versions of GCC landing in rawhide.  This work will
continue, particularly in Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb and we will use it to
help guide decisions about snapshots are stable enough to not cause
major Fedora rawhide disruptions.  We expect that by March the pace of
updates will reduce significantly.

The GCC team will likely need some help addressing some of the new
diagnostics that require package specific knowledge to determine if
the code is valid or not.  This is not new, but the timing will shift
to earlier points in the Fedora release cycle.

The GNU C Library has its own testsuite, which is run during the
package build and examined by the glibc developers before being
uploaded. This test suite has over 6200 tests that run to verify the
correct operation of the library. In the future may also run the
microbenchmark to look for performance regressions.

== User Experience ==
Users will see improved performance, many bugfixes and improvements to
POSIX compliance, additional locales, etc.

== Dependencies ==
All packages do not need to be rebuilt due to backwards compatibility.
However, it is advantageous if a mass rebuild is performed during the
Fedora 34 cycle.

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: If gcc 11 proves too disruptive to compiling
the distribution, which is not expected, we could revert to gcc 10 for
the release. If glibc 2.33 provides too disruptive to compiling the
distribution we could revert to 2.32, but given that Rawhide has
started tracking glibc 2.33, no show-stopper problems are expected.
At this point, we can still revert to upstream version 2.32 if
insurmountable problems appear, but to do so may require a mass
rebuild to remove new symbols from the ABI/API.
* Contingency deadline: Upstream glibc ABI freeze deadline of 2021-02-01.
* Blocks release? Yes, upgrading to gcc 11 blocks the release. Yes,
upgrading glibc does block the release. We should not ship without a
newer gcc and glibc, there will be gcc and language features that
depend on glibc being upgraded. Thus without the upgrade some features
will be disabled or fall back to less optimal implementations.

== Documentation ==
The gcc manual contains the documentation for the release and doesn't
need any more additional work.

The glibc manual contains the documentation for the release and
doesn't need any more additional work.

== Release Notes ==
The GNU Compiler Collection version 11 will be released shortly. See

The GNU C Library version 2.32 will be released at the beginning of
August 2020. The current NEWS notes can be seen here as they are

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
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