On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 1:31 PM Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:
> Once upon a time, Ben Cotton <bcot...@redhat.com> said:
> > For laptop and workstation installs of Fedora, we want to provide file
> > system features to users in a transparent fashion. We want to add new
> > features, while reducing the amount of expertise needed to deal with
> > situations like [https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/152
> > running out of disk space.] Btrfs is well adapted to this role by
> > design philosophy, let's make it the default.
> So... I freely admit I have not looked closely at btrfs in some time, so
> I could be out of date (and my apologies if so).  One issue that I have
> seen mentioned as an issue within the last week is still the problem of
> running out of space when it still looks like there's space free.  I
> didn't read the responses, so not sure of the resolution, but I remember
> that being a "thing" with btrfs.  Is that still the case?  What are the
> causes, and if so, how can we keep from getting a lot of the same
> question on mailing lists/forums/etc.?

Josef gave a fairly detailed answer upthread:

However, I'll give some of my own color on this, as well. I have not
personally experienced this issue on any of my systems in the past
three years. I experienced it a couple of times when I first started
out using it in 2014~2015, but it's not been a problem for me since.

We could stand to have some improved documentation here, and I hope
this is something we can build up to support our user community. I'm
sure there's some documentation from our friends at openSUSE that we
can borrow as well.

> I'm pretty neutral on this... I run a bunch of RHEL/CentOS systems, so I
> tend to stick close to that on my Fedora systems (so I'd probably stick
> with ext4/xfs on LVM myself).  I remember when btrfs was going to be the
> one FS to rule them all, but then had issues, and specific weird cases
> (like with VM images IIRC at one point), and kind of fell of my map
> then.  That is not intended as a criticism - filesystems are complex,
> and developing them hard... I think some of the reputation came from
> some people pushing btrfs before it was really ready.

I absolutely agree. I've often wondered if Btrfs would have a better
reputation if it was developed for a few years behind closed doors
before being unveiled. I think the way people perceive the filesysetm
would be very different then.

Thankfully, I think today we're in a very good place with Btrfs
upstream, and having Josef (an upstream Btrfs developer) helping drive
this in Fedora makes me very confident in this change.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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