On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:10 AM Pierre-Yves Chibon <pin...@pingoured.fr> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:05:00AM -0400, Christopher wrote:
> >    Why aren't the packager accounts linked to their FAS account alias?
> >    [1]fa...@fedoraproject.org ? I've been annoyed by FAS-linked services
> >    trying to use my forwarding address for my account id rather than my FAS
> >    user id. My forwarding address is subject to change, but the FAS email
> >    alias is static.
> Because they are two different systems and you do not need an account in one 
> to
> have an account in the other?
> We do not create account on bugzilla for the alias @fp.o automatically (and I
> think it's a good thing).

The original post says "If you are a packager... you must have a
bugzilla account...".
But now, you are saying that they are separate and you do not need one
when you have the other.

These two statements are in conflict. Either the bugzilla account is
required for packagers, in which case my suggestion to use the
packager's FAS email alias should suffice (in theory, at least), or it
isn't, in which case, your original post that "...packagers...must
have a bugzilla account..." is incorrect.

You said that the required bugzilla account must be "...associated
with the email address you have set in FAS." All I'm suggesting is
that this is unnecessary if they are packagers, since all packagers
already have a FAS email alias that can be used for this requirement.
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