Good Morning Everyone, If you are a packagers or are watching tickets on dist-git (ie: asked to be cc'ed on tickets on bugzilla for a given package), you must have a valid bugzilla account associated with the email address you have set in FAS.
There are currently 66 users and groups who do not satisfy this requirement. This has a direct impact as the script syncing from dist-git to bugzilla the information about the default assignee and the CC list updates components in bugzilla in a single request to reduce the load on the server. So if someone in the CC list does not have a valid bugzilla account, the entire request will fail to update both the CC list and the default assignee. Accounts in this state may at some point be removed from packages/cc, so it's important to correct your account soon! So, if your name is listed here, please take a minute and create a bugzilla for the email you have associated with your FAS account: aarondmarasco adsllc affix ajeetdsouza alen amitshah andreyma avesh bpereto @certbot-sig csomh darkdragon001 dcantrel digimer dmsimard doug1 edwintorok etingof fepitre gnikandrov @graphics-sig ignotusp itsbill jefferson2z jkratoch jkreuzer karsten kir klausdevwalker labbott lamm luismartingil marcdeop mathstuf mbartos mhabrnal mildew mmahut moisesguimaraes mzidek nguzman njohnston omejzlik pgibson portante proski rbtr robled romal rpitonak rspanton sakalosj squallbayu sspreitz sturivnyi svahl tnorth trasher tstclair usercont vbatts vicodan vpolasek @weldr-sig yuwata zmc If you really to have two distinct email addresses, we keep a mapping of FAS emails to bugzilla account in [1], which you can update via a pull-request if you wish to use this. Thanks for your help, Pierre [1]
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