On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 17:05, Leigh Griffin <lgrif...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 2:36 PM Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <
> domi...@greysector.net> wrote:
>> On Monday, 06 April 2020 at 12:29, Leigh Griffin wrote:
>> [...]
>> > > Yes, this whole "decision" is in dictatorship relation to the
>> > > community.
>> > >
>> > > Not following the standard procedures caused that I and probably
>> > > many people in the community didn't pay much attention to it.
>> >
>> > We followed the procedures that were outlined to us.
>> So you think "just following procedures" makes it all right and gives
>> you mandate to continuing to pursue a decision that the community is
>> telling you was wrong despite your following procedures?
> Our stakeholder and engagement point as a team is Fedora Council. If you
> have issues with how this was handled from a relationship perspective then
> please take that up with the Council. We have engaged with fesco in the
> past at the request of Council and will engage with them in the future in a
> similar manner.
>> > > I thought you are simply going to collect requirements and then we
>> > > will talk. Collecting the requirements was actually very useful.
>> > > Providing the analysis for the requirements would be useful.
>> > > Providing a recommendation would be ok. Providing a "decision" like
>> > > that crosses the line.
>> > >
>> > > It sends quite a bad message that no matter what you start doing for
>> > > the community and how useful it becomes, RH management can come at
>> > > any time and make your work vanish, which is what is happening here
>> > > with pagure on dist-git effort and probably also zuul efforts might
>> > > get replaced by Gitlab CI.
>> >
>> > We have nothing to do with zuul and Gitlab CI may be made available as
>> > a service if folks want to use it.
>> It's not just about CI. You only commented about the least significant
>> point of the above paragraph and ignored the rest. That seems to be the
>> pattern with your communication. Please change that.
> What point would you like me to comment on? Red Hat is not making work
> vanish, we are not deleting Pagure from the internet.

Note that I was explicit:

"RH management can come at any
time and make your work vanish, which is what is happening here with
pagure on dist-git effort and probably also zuul efforts might get
replaced by Gitlab CI."

You took it completely somewhere else.


>> [...]
>> > > But still, please, listen to what the community is telling you.
>> >
>> > We are.
>> That's not the impression you are giving here.
>> > > While you may have means to force your decision as RH management
>> > > representative, doing so can be damaging for both sides (RH and
>> > > Fedora).
>> >
>> > We are not forcing a decision. We are still engaged with the Fedora
>> > Council on next steps and factoring in the requirements of the
>> > community. Right now, our wider needs are saying we cannot support
>> > Pagure and we intend on replacing that with Gitlab from a CPE
>> > perspective.
>> You are forcing a decision because you're refusing to revisit the
>> decision you have made *for* the community without the engagement that
>> the community feels was required.
> This decision is made for 2x communities, 1x internal stakeholder and the
> CPE team. This decision is impacting 4 groups. If you feel so strongly that
> the decision should be revisited in some way shape or form, make your
> protests known to the Fedora Council. We engage at that level.
>> If you had stopped at the first
>> objections and revisited the decision making process with the rest of
>> the community involved in an open manner, you would have been forgiven,
>> because everyone here is trying to assume good faith. Alas, you haven't
>> done that. Apologizing for your mistakes is a necessary step, but it's
>> not sufficient.
> Ok let's scenario this out so as several people want us to restart and go
> again, largely because they disagree with the decision and Pagure is the
> choice that they would have made. If we re-engage now, I firmly believe we
> will get a whole new set of requirements to complement the existing
> requirements but scoped deliberately (as has been suggested by numerous
> replies) to a situation where Pagure is the only choice for Fedora. How do
> we accommodate that when our other stakeholders' needs are now not being
> met as a whole and when the original requirements needs are being satisfied
> by the choice of Gitlab (which will most likely be CE for Fedora). What
> happens then, how do you suggest we proceed at that point? The other
> stakeholder groups are already progressing with Gitlab and we can do that
> for them and pause the Fedora move in this direction if that was the
> scenario. What happens after months of debate if we cannot bridge that
> divide? What happens when Pagure is sunset as the CPE team cannot run it /
> maintain it? I'm genuinely curious here as if this is a path the
> community want to go down then engage with Council on it but I think it
> could be harmful for the project as a whole. That's not my choice though
> and until otherwise told, we are progressing in this direction.
>> Regards,
>> Dominik
>> --
>> Fedora   https://getfedora.org  |  RPM Fusion  http://rpmfusion.org
>> There should be a science of discontent. People need hard times and
>> oppression to develop psychic muscles.
>>         -- from "Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
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