On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 11:56 AM clime <cl...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Monday, 6 April 2020, Leigh Griffin <lgrif...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> Yes, this whole "decision" is in dictatorship relation to the community.
>>> Not following the standard procedures caused that I and probably many
>>> people in the community didn't pay much attention to it.
>> We followed the procedures that were outlined to us.
>>> I thought you are simply going to collect requirements and then we
>>> will talk. Collecting the requirements was actually very useful.
>>> Providing the analysis for the requirements would be useful. Providing
>>> a recommendation would be ok. Providing a "decision" like that crosses
>>> the line.
>>> It sends quite a bad message that no matter what you start doing for
>>> the community and how useful it becomes, RH management can come at any
>>> time and make your work vanish, which is what is happening here with
>>> pagure on dist-git effort and probably also zuul efforts might get
>>> replaced by Gitlab CI.
>> We have nothing to do with zuul and Gitlab CI may be made available as a
>> service if folks want to use it.
> Does it mean you didn't consider dist-git<->zuul integration vs. Gitlab
> CI? I.e. technical differences and advantages of each? If you did, can you,
> please, publish it? It would be valuable info for the community and
> something we can comment on.

Gitlab CI was not part of our evaluation, we are aware it's a service that
is offered but did not evaluate it as it wasn't within the scope of our

> Please, also read what Fabien wrote.

I did.

>>> Additionally, I think that disruption you will cause will take so much
>>> time that it would several-times cover the time needed for
>>> implementation of all of the features people want to see in pagure.
>>> I also don't see people on IRC complaining that pagure.io or src.fp.o
>>> doesn't work so maintenance-wise it doesn't seem to be causing
>>> problems (there might be some but I didn't notice).
>> Around 10 tickets a month is the average I believe for infra to deal with
>> / handle from direct pings.
>>> In other words, the change you are suggesting won't be imho good for
>>> Fedora. What would be good is to continue doing incremental
>>> well-thought changes and not give up on our products. That might
>>> result in them coming on top at one point.
>>> I consider this whole situation my mistake. For quite some time I
>>> wanted to bring improvements to the packaging area to show that we can
>>> have top-notch stuff ourselves but it got seriously delayed by me not
>>> being always on top of my game. I still want to finish this
>>> (https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/pull/526) but I
>>> regret I didn't go for it earlier.
>>> But still, please, listen to what the community is telling you.
>> We are.
>>> While
>>> you may have means to force your decision as RH management
>>> representative, doing so can be damaging for both sides (RH and
>>> Fedora).
>> We are not forcing a decision. We are still engaged with the Fedora
>> Council on next steps and factoring in the requirements of the community.
>> Right now, our wider needs are saying we cannot support Pagure and we
>> intend on replacing that with Gitlab from a CPE perspective.
>>> Slower but more careful progress is OK.
>>> clime
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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>> Leigh Griffin
>> Engineering Manager
>> Red Hat Waterford <https://www.redhat.com/>
>> Communications House
>> Cork Road, Waterford City
>> lgrif...@redhat.com
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Leigh Griffin

Engineering Manager

Red Hat Waterford <https://www.redhat.com/>

Communications House

Cork Road, Waterford City

M: +353877545162     IM: lgriffin
@redhatjobs <https://twitter.com/redhatjobs>   redhatjobs
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