> Am 19.02.2020 um 06:59 schrieb John M. Harris Jr <joh...@splentity.com>:
> Based on this, I'm not so sure that Troy is the best person to take that 
> place 
> within EPEL's Steering Committee. ..., as he is a member of the 
> Modularity team, this is not a good sign for what's to come.

Whether modularity is good news or a nightmare, it is a fact in EL 8. Troy 
obviously being familiar with it might be the best to make it work as smooth as 
possible. Besides I remember him as very supportive from Scientific Linux 
(sadly gone with EL8)so I'd appreciate it.  

Dr. Peter Boy
University of Bremen
Mary-Sommerville-Str. 5
28359 Bremen


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