On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 1:12 PM Troy Dawson <tdaw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 9:36 AM Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > It has been a pleasure for me to be a part of and help lead the
> > EPEL steering committee for the last couple of years. It has not
> > always been smooth sailing but I have found it an enjoyable experience.
> >
> > However, as you may know the Fedora project will be moving to a
> > different data-center later this spring (from Phoenix to northern
> > Virginia). Being involved in the planning and implementation of this
> > project, I do not think that I will be able to give EPEL the time
> > investment it deserve for the next 6 to 9 months. With EPEL-8 still
> > ramping up and the various opportunities with modularity, I do
> > not think it is a fair that EPEL suffers from this lack of time.
> >
> > As such, I would like to step down as chair/member of the steering
> > committee and nominate Troy Dawson as my replacement. Troy formerly
> > worked on Scientific Linux and has worked on OpenShift and other
> > projects at Red Hat for the last several years.  It is clear he has a
> > good eye on the concerns and problems enterprise users have. Recently,
> > Troy helped get the initial RHEL-8 and EPEL-8 out the door with
> > multiple builds and updates to various macro files.
> >
> > Once the move is completed and the close down of the old site is done,
> > I look forward to getting involved again in EPEL.
> Thank you Stephen for all that you've done for the EPEL community the
> past several years.  I hope the move goes smooth so that you can
> return to us sooner, rather than later.
> I will do my best to keep EPEL steering in the right direction.

I second the nomination of Troy. He's been a pleasure to work with and
has done fantastic work to bring KDE Plasma to RHEL/CentOS users after
Red Hat ripped it out of RHEL for RHEL 8.

The fact that he's a member of modularity team means that he can
easily take our feedback and have it incorporated into improving the
system, which is a huge boon for us as RHEL 8 leverages that

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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