On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 10:02:36AM +0100, Petr Pisar wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 06:01:22PM -0800, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > I am with you on open source, but I don't understand the 'self-hosted'
> > requirement. I guess I agree that self hosting should be possible, in
> > case someone wants to fork our distro and use our tools, but if we can
> > convince a open source project to maintain our dist git for us, why is
> > that bad?
> > 
> Because of the legal issues? If Fedora starts using e.g. GitHub for dist-git,
> then all packagers would have to agree with GitHub use of terms. And I can
> imagine that there are people (like me) for whom they are unaccaptable. And
> also these terms can change on a whim without consent of the Fedora Project.
> I.e. by using a third-party service, you increases the burdends the users have
> to overcome.

Thats definitely something to consider. I would think if we have another
company host things for us, we should be able to decide the terms. I
agree just using general github wouldn't work (not only because it's non

> It's like all the modern payment methods for public transpartation systems
> that require you to have a local phone number or an application from Google
> application store. They are convenient for most of the users, but they also
> discriminate. To take a ride you have to enter into a legal contract with
> a third party.

Sure, but I am supposing the Fedora Project would enter into some sort
of hosting agreement with a 3rd party, I wasn't assuming we would just
use general github or gitlab.


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