Am 31.01.20 um 03:01 schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
> I am with you on open source, but I don't understand the 'self-hosted'
> requirement. I guess I agree that self hosting should be possible, in
> case someone wants to fork our distro and use our tools, but if we can
> convince a open source project to maintain our dist git for us, why is
> that bad?

First there is a bit of paranoia: Often there is software which you could
self-host but if you actually try there are some proprietary bits or you need
some very special patched dependencies. So switching from "hosted externally"
to "self hosted" might be quite hard.

Also dist-git is the very core of Fedora (+ build/update infrastructure and
ticketing). If this is hosted externally we would also need to trust the
external operator. In the end having write access to a spec file means having
root access on all machines which install that package (though you could
detect the modification via git - but I don't want to rely only on git's hash

In the end I'm also ok with a hosted solution (as I'm not the one doing the
work) as long as there is a (realistic!) backup plan to self-host the code.

As far as I know Debian and Freedesktop maintain their own gitlab instances so
it should be possible to benefit from their experience and tooling.

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