Dne 29. 01. 20 v 23:22 Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 12:52:53PM -0500, Robbie Harwood wrote:
>> Julen Landa Alustiza <jla...@fedoraproject.org> writes:
>>> (snip)
>>> 20/1/29 14:49(e)an, Clement Verna igorleak idatzi zuen:
>>>> To me that's the all point of this 
>>>> process, let's put down what we *really* *really* need and  then look at 
>>>> the different options.
>>> Do we *really* *really* need to compete with other full featured git 
>>> forges on features? The ODF says that this is one of the problem. Well, 
>>> imo we don't *really* *really* need to compete with them.
>>> Actually we already have the features that we *really* *really* need. 
>>> Otherwise we could not release fedora using pagure as we are using, 
>>> could we? :)
>> We don't have per-branch default assignees, which is actually a pretty
>> big problem in Fedora (especially with EPEL packages).
> I'd counter-argue that we don't need one considering bugzilla doesn't support 
> a
> per-version assignee. So we need an assignee for Fedora and one for Fedora
> EPEL, going the level lower (F31, F30, F29, epel8, epel7...) does not bring
> anything since we wouldn't be able to sync this to bugzilla.

I mostly agree. However, retired packages, such as [1], should then be
owned just by orphan after the years since their retirement. This used
to work during PkgDB days, it does not work anymore.


[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rubygem-sqlite3-ruby

> And the Fedora vs Fedora EPEL overrides/assignee is being worked on so we can
> move it off fedscm-requests where it is today to src.fp.o.
> Pierre
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