On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 04:06:22PM +0100, Julen Landa Alustiza wrote:
>    Per git ref acls is not a common thing on git forges. If this is a final
>    requirement, we should start analyzing the viability of implementing and
>    maintain it on the different forges (and it should be feasible with all of
>    the rest of our strange ACLs on dist-git)
>    On pagure side, now that our downstream instances are not using gitolite,
>    implementing them needs much less work that migrating all our toolings to
>    other solutions.

I believe, and Leigh correct me if I'm wrong, that this will be the next step in
the analysis.

1/ gather all the requirement
2/ figure out which option have which requirement
3/ figure out if it is "cheaper" to fix feature A in option 2, or add feature B
in option 3 or leave without feature C in option 1

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