2020(e)ko urtarrilaren 29(a) 15:56:08 (CET)-(e)an, Clement Verna 
<cve...@fedoraproject.org>-(e)k hau idatzi zuen:
>On Wed, Jan 29, 2020, 15:23 Julen Landa Alustiza
>> (snip)
>> 20/1/29 14:49(e)an, Clement Verna igorleak idatzi zuen:
>> > To me that's the all point of this
>> > process, let's put down what we *really* *really* need and  then
>look at
>> > the different options.
>> >
>> Do we *really* *really* need to compete with other full featured git
>> forges on features? The ODF says that this is one of the problem.
>> imo we don't *really* *really* need to compete with them.
>It depends on the use case, doing development work projects hosted on
>pagure.io is not great in my opinion. In particular working with pull
I don't have excesive problems with pagure on PR workflows. Right now for me 
centos-ci is a much bigger problem for PR workflows on pagure.io than pagure 
itself for example.

>In terms of issue trackers, it is missing the ability to visualize
>in a board for example.
>Again this my opinion and maybe these are maybe not *really* *really*

Is a great forge the beste solution for this? Or are there other solutions for 
issue tracking/kanban/boards etc that could better suit this use cases?
>> Actually we already have the features that we *really* *really* need.
>> Otherwise we could not release fedora using pagure as we are using,
>> could we? :)
>I personally don't think we can release Fedora without people across
>project doing heroics and a crazy amount of hours which seems to have
>become a norm rather than an exception.
+1. But is this a git forge problem?

We are again on the same place: we have different use cases hosted on pagure. 
Some of them could need a big effort on pagure side to compete with other 
options (on technical features), some others could benefit of migrating to 
other solutions, and some others could not have a better solution than our own 
custom one

Julen Landa Alustiza <jla...@fedoraproject.org>
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