On 1/14/20 10:20 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 11:19:49AM -0600, Martin Jackson wrote:
In this vein (as other people have commented on this thread), I
think it would be great to give Fedora more visibility.  Its absence
as a supported image in Azure, for instance, is particularly
noticeable, and the whole situation with WSL was regrettable.  One
of the reasons I've used Ubuntu/Debian in some of those situations
is that they're there and relatively easy to consume.  I've come to
prefer Fedora because it has much better leading-edge stuff, and I
think that's a huge benefit to the community that definitely serves
a particular segment.
For what it's worth, we do continue to work on these things. It's difficult
because we really do need to make sure we have solid legal protection.
I definitely understand the need to button down the legal stuff. But dang.  What about WSL2 makes it easier, if that's something you can address here?
Having a few people who talk about Fedora in the ecosystem publicly
and often might be helpful too.  There are a bunch of people who are
directly and visibly connected with Ubuntu/Canonical that appear all
the time on the Jupiter Broadcasting podcasts (I know Matt is also
frequently interviewed but that's not quite the same thing).  Having
people talking about doing things with Fedora makes it "cool" and
"buzzworthy", and I think that's of value.

I'd love to have more people from across the project on all of these shows,
definitely! Any suggestions on how we could make this easier for people who
are not me? :)


One thing I would like to point out, as a sort of editorial comment
- let's not let the areas we can improve in detract from the things
Fedora is great at.  We have a small-ish, but relatively vocal
Fedora community where I work, among the sysadmins.  I don't think
Fedora users are quite as vocal, but the engineering in Fedora is
solid.  Sure there are problems occasionally, but the rate of change
and the usability of Fedora as a daily driver and for some server
workloads is pretty impressive.
Thanks -- I appreciate the input!

You're very welcome!


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