> > On Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 03:22:45PM +0100, Iñaki Ucar wrote: > > > For me, the main challenge Fedora faces is **positioning**. > > > > > > Let me explain: (I don't have numbers but) in my (limited) experience, > > > when seasoned sysadmins need to launch a new system, they usually > > > think "Debian" as something reliable; when seasoned as well as > > > not-very-seasoned-in-Linux research engineers (I know better this > > > category, since I'm a researcher) need to setup a system for some demo > > > or experiment, they mostly think "Ubuntu" (yes, I know...); when we > > > see a new exciting service (such as Travis CI and the like) coming > > > out, they usually support Ubuntu; and so on and so forth, and I'm not > > > even talking about the desktop use case. > > > > > > So I think there's the challenge for Fedora, for all those people to > > > consider Fedora as a first option for their use cases. > > > > I agree that's a challenge. Any ideas for how to address it and change these > > perceptions? > > I'm far from having a satisfactory response to that, but I see two > fronts here. First, marketing. How does Ubuntu managed to be so > popular among less-experienced Linux users? I'm not sure, but I > suspect that good marketing has something to do with it.
Yup, their website is pretty slick and well organized. Compare that to this: in Firefox I type fedoraproject.org and get redirected to getfedora.org. And then for docs or the wiki I get redirected to fp.o. I think there's room for improvement there to be consistent and clearly organized. Their site seems nicely tailored to their target markets so there's Marketing for ya. Admittedly they are a commercial company so that determines their look and feel too. But looking at debian.org and archlinux.org they too seem better organized (under a single domain). > Second, > exposure. If someone wants to configure a Travis CI instance, or a > Google Cloud instance for some data science pipeline, etc., etc., and > Fedora is there among the options available, then Fedora will > automatically come to mind as an option for the next project. Agree, establishing and/or improving relations with cloud providers & (embedded) hardware vendors would drive that. There's Marketing in there because you'll probably have to sell Fedora's USPs why those vendors would also want to carry Fedora or carry it as their prime distro. > Of > course that's not under our direct control, but if we know the > requirements for such third-party services, we can build specially > tailored spins and try to promote them in those > communities/projects/enterprises at all levels. > So 1) stay on the cutting edge, Yes, definitely. > 2) make it as easy as possible to choose Fedora over > other options, and That would require some market(ing) research so you know based on 'what' the choice is made. @Matthew: maybe do some research at FOSDEM? > 3) marketing and promotion may be a good recipe. Yes and frequent news releases that don't necessary focus on the technical side of things but more on meeting the needs of various target markets with a wording that non-technical people understand. Aka corporate marketing-speak :-) Best, Patrick _______________________________________________ devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to devel-le...@lists.fedoraproject.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org