Tom Hughes <> writes:

> On 07/01/2020 12:22, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
>> Dne 07. 01. 20 v 12:41 Tom Hughes napsal(a):
>>> The thing is that no matter how much you can manage to automate the
>>> creation of spec files for a given ecosystem, and I've never seen one
>>> where the typical spec file doesn't need some manual tweaking, you
>>> are still going to hit the fundamental problem that those specs then
>>> need to be reviewed.
>> I disagree.
>> Especially with libraries - be it python, gems... it can be very well 
>> automated without the need for review.
> Well that depends on the reason for the review, doesn't it?
> Just to take a few things, how does automation check that the license
> declared in the upstream metadata is correct?

openSUSE actually has a bot for exactly this in the Open Build Service
(it's not perfect of course, but it takes a good chunk of the legal
review burden from humans): Iirc Neal
has been trying to get it into Fedora.

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