On 07/01/2020 12:22, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
Dne 07. 01. 20 v 12:41 Tom Hughes napsal(a):
The thing is that no matter how much you can manage to automate the
creation of spec files for a given ecosystem, and I've never seen one
where the typical spec file doesn't need some manual tweaking, you
are still going to hit the fundamental problem that those specs then
need to be reviewed.
I disagree.
Especially with libraries - be it python, gems... it can be very well automated
without the need for review.
Well that depends on the reason for the review, doesn't it?
Just to take a few things, how does automation check that the license
declared in the upstream metadata is correct? or that the upstream
package is obeying FHS and not installing files in the wrong place?
I have extensive experience with npm and packaging Node.js libraries
in Fedora and even a well behaved upstream is rarely fully automatable
and many upstreams are not well behaved.
Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
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