Dne 19. 06. 19 v 12:00 Tomas Mraz napsal(a):
> On Wed, 2019-06-19 at 10:19 +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>> Dne 18. 06. 19 v 21:50 Ben Cotton napsal(a):
>>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/CustomCryptoPolicies
>>> == Summary ==
>>> This new feature of crypto-policies allows system administrators
>>> and
>>> third party providers to modify and adjust the existing system-wide
>>> crypto policies to enable or disable algorithms and protocols.
>>> == Owner ==
>>> * Name: [[User:Tmraz | Tomáš Mráz]]
>>> * Email: tm...@redhat.com
>>> == Detailed Description ==
>>> The crypto-policies package will be enhanced to allow system
>>> administrators to modify the existing system-wide crypto policy
>>> levels
>>> by removing or adding enabled algorithms and protocols. For example
>>> it
>>> will be possible to easily modify the existing DEFAULT
>> I just wonder what is the strategy here? Does it means that the
>> "DEFAULT" definition will be store permanently somewhere in /usr/ and
>> I'll be able to copy the DEFAULT into /etc and modify it according to
>> my
>> needs?
>> I am just asking, because AFAIK, currently the crypto policies
>> configuration is stored just in /etc and modifying the "DEFAULT"
>> profile
>> would make the updates problematic, requiring someone to file with
>> .rpmnew files etc. That would be unfortunate.
> The configuration files will be created by a simple python application
> (which the update-crypto-policies will transform into). You will
> specify just the modifications that should be done to the base policy.
> Please see 
> https://gitlab.com/redhat-crypto/fedora-crypto-policies/tree/custom-policies 
> to get the idea.
> We might continue shipping the "unmodified" configurations in
> /usr/share but I do not see much benefit in that except for being able
> for the sysadmin to look at how the unmodified individual
> configurations look like without applying the policy to the system.

Looking at "unmodified" configuration is great benefit on itself.

Being able to `rm -rf /etc/cryptopolicies` (or whatever is the right
folder) to restore the original configuration would be even better. But
maybe the "update-crypto-policies" creates configuration files for
several cryptolibraries, so this might not be possible without
modification of those libraries, dunno.


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