Dne 18. 06. 19 v 21:50 Ben Cotton napsal(a):
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/CustomCryptoPolicies
> == Summary ==
> This new feature of crypto-policies allows system administrators and
> third party providers to modify and adjust the existing system-wide
> crypto policies to enable or disable algorithms and protocols.
> == Owner ==
> * Name: [[User:Tmraz | Tomáš Mráz]]
> * Email: tm...@redhat.com
> == Detailed Description ==
> The crypto-policies package will be enhanced to allow system
> administrators to modify the existing system-wide crypto policy levels
> by removing or adding enabled algorithms and protocols. For example it
> will be possible to easily modify the existing DEFAULT

I just wonder what is the strategy here? Does it means that the
"DEFAULT" definition will be store permanently somewhere in /usr/ and
I'll be able to copy the DEFAULT into /etc and modify it according to my

I am just asking, because AFAIK, currently the crypto policies
configuration is stored just in /etc and modifying the "DEFAULT" profile
would make the updates problematic, requiring someone to file with
.rpmnew files etc. That would be unfortunate.


>  policy to
> disable the SHA1 support or enable support for a national crypto
> algorithm that is supported by the crypto libraries but is disabled in
> the policies. System administrator will be able to add a simple
> configuration file that will achieve this after calling the
> update-crypto-policies command.
> == Benefit to Fedora ==
> This will enable advanced users of Fedora to adjust the
> crypto-policies of the system to their particular needs and
> requirements.
> It will also enable using Fedora where the national crypto algorithms
> are required without need to manually tinker with configurations of
> various software components to enable the national crypto algorithms.
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners:
> The design of the feature and prototype is already finished upstream.
> We still need to convert the existing back-end policy generators to
> the new framework and convert the existing policy definitions to the
> new format. Then the crypto-policies package will be rebased to the
> version with the custom crypto policies support included.
> * Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
> * Release engineering: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
> * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
> * Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
> == Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
> No impact. The crypto policies will continue to work as expected and
> worked before if a custom policy is not set.
> == How To Test ==
> This will be tested as part of the upstream crypto-policies testsuite.
> == User Experience ==
> Unless the user will choose to create and/or apply a custom crypto
> policy on the system, there will be no noticeable user experience
> change.
> == Dependencies ==
> N/A (not a System Wide Change)
> == Contingency Plan ==
> * Contingency mechanism: (What to do?  Who will do it?) N/A (not a
> System Wide Change)
> == Documentation ==
> N/A (not a System Wide Change)
> == Release Notes ==
> The crypto-policies package was enhanced to allow system
> administrators to modify the existing system-wide crypto policy levels
> by removing or adding enabled algorithms and protocols. For example it
> is now possible to easily modify the existing DEFAULT policy to
> disable the SHA1 support or enable support for a national crypto
> algorithm that is supported by the crypto libraries but is disabled in
> the policies. This can be achieved by adding a simple configuration
> file and calling the update-crypto-policies command.
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