Adam Samalik wrote:
> So, I'd like to discuss the libgit issue [1] [2] we're experiencing. With
> a help of a few people, I've put together this post to get us on common
> ground:
> There are few ideas about solving the issue right now. But we might be
> able to think about better ways to deal with similar issues long-term.
> Let's do this!
> [1]
> [2]

As I had posted in a blog comment:

This is exactly the dependency hell (different packages/modules depending on 
incompatible versions of the same module) that I had been warning about ever 
since modularity has first been discussed in Fedora. I pointed out from day 
one that this is a showstopper that makes modularity entirely impractical 
and unsupportable. My concerns were dismissed or ignored. Now you are seeing 
exactly the situation that I had been warning about from day one.

        Kevin Kofler
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