There are two thing that stands out from the article:

* Multiple module names to parallel install

I hope you are not serious about it. We don't need modularity to do
things like that.

* Bundle libgit into the silver and bat modules

Not sure what you mean by this. I hope you mean that just as include the
libgit as another component of the module. So as a result, there would
be more libgit pakages available in Fedora.

But really. I think that currently modularity is doing way too much. If
the modules were just a way to get multiple versions of library into
repository, later let the DNF/RPM do its job to choose the right version
and fail if there should be multiple conflicting versions installed, you
deal with some default streams, trying to {,un,re}install components
forcefully. That is way beyond what should be done.

Also, I am personally happy that finally, you have to consider more
complex scenarios then just modulemd referencing sindle nodejs package,
which you basically used to design whole modularity. Welcome in the real

Also note that we have similar discussions with plain RPM/YUM/DNF, we
are facing the same issue with (RH)SCLs and finally, you arrived on them
as well, although you have long claimed, that modularity will save the


Dne 13. 06. 19 v 20:31 Adam Samalik napsal(a):
> So, I'd like to discuss the libgit issue [1] [2] we're experiencing.
> With a help of a few people, I've put together this post to get us on
> common
> ground:
> There are few ideas about solving the issue right now. But we might be
> able to think about better ways to deal with similar issues long-term.
> Let's do this!
> [1]
> [2]
> -- 
> Adam Šamalík
> ---------------------------
> Senior Software Engineer
> Red Hat
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