On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 10:44:45PM +0200, Dridi Boukelmoune wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 7:57 PM Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > Sorry for digging up this thread, but since this is a recurring change
> > > it appears that the mass rebuild is not enough by itself. As of today
> > > lcov doesn't work with GCC 9.x [1] and it would be nice if either:
> > >
> > > - gcc provided an option to use a previous gcov format when a new one
> > > lands (I understand it makes things more complicated)
> >
> > No, we certainly don't want to diverge from gcc upstream here, and gcc
> > upstream doesn't have that.
> My idea was rather to bring the suggestion upstream if it is relevant :)
> > > - the Fedora lcov spec would run `make test` in a %check section

That won't actually fix the problem - it'd just mean that lcov FTBFS
and likely get thrown out of Fedora entirely.

> > lcov maintainers have been told they should use the json intermediate format
> > from gcov -i instead of trying to parse the binary data.
> Well, not everyone runs Fedora so lcov will still have to support the
> binary format for platforms that don't adopt new GCC versions as fast.

This has been reported to upstream lcov community every time they break
on new GCC releases & I've backported fixes to Fedora once they are
available. Most recently I reported the incompatibility with  gcc9 way
back in January this year


I can't do anything to fix lcov in Fedora until upstream provides the

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