On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 7:57 PM Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Sorry for digging up this thread, but since this is a recurring change
> > it appears that the mass rebuild is not enough by itself. As of today
> > lcov doesn't work with GCC 9.x [1] and it would be nice if either:
> >
> > - gcc provided an option to use a previous gcov format when a new one
> > lands (I understand it makes things more complicated)
> No, we certainly don't want to diverge from gcc upstream here, and gcc
> upstream doesn't have that.

My idea was rather to bring the suggestion upstream if it is relevant :)

> > - the Fedora lcov spec would run `make test` in a %check section
> lcov maintainers have been told they should use the json intermediate format
> from gcov -i instead of trying to parse the binary data.

Well, not everyone runs Fedora so lcov will still have to support the
binary format for platforms that don't adopt new GCC versions as fast.

I hope json support was what they were hoping to get done before May
from the github issue I linked. But as a gcc+gcov+lcov user, that also
requires me as an end-user to actively run gcov and lcov with the
right set of flags once lcov support is here. That also means that if
I have automation in place that expects to work with either GCC or
LLVM toolchains, it makes things more complicated if I need my build
system to work not only for me on Fedora 30 but for other team members
working on the same project but on different operating systems.

Hence my comment regarding compatibility when the binary format
changes. Again, if that is relevant.

I personally work with both toolchains, because each major release
usually brings new helpful warnings or diagnostics. And for that matter
I'm really happy to be on Fedora and act as a canary to learn what's

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