On 08/17/2010 03:22 AM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Manuel Wolfshant
> <wo...@nobugconsulting.ro> wrote:
>>    Do you REALLY believe that in a world where 90% of the desktops are
>> Windows, where 2 thirds of the browser market is shared by IE and safari
>> and where making governments to share public documents in a public
>> format rather than .doc/.xls/etc, web site managers would care if you
>> stop visiting their site ( which you probably NEED to access otherwise
>> you would not be trying to visit it in the first place)  ?
> [snip]
> I don't agree with the suggestions here to restrict it, but I think
> the implications here sucks.
> Is it better to have a world where 90% is Fedora but every user has
> less freedom over their data and applications than they would in
> windows because they are only using Fedora as a really excellent
> remote terminal to web applications which give them no control over
> their data or the programs that they use?
> Disallowing compatibility with the world doesn't fix it but neither
> does ignoring the significant problems posed by non-free web
> applications and the enormous influence they will have over the fedora
> experience in the coming decades.
> Or in other words— for those who care about freedom making Fedora a
> first class platform for web apps is mostly just rearranging the deck
> chairs on the titanic— we're screwed either way.

To cut it short: I love freedom and this is why I use linux for 16 years 
now (despite starting my professional career as a DOS / windows 
programmer). But I do not write the rules and I prefer to have time to 
see a movie or have a long weekend rather than chasing video / audio / 
browser plugins. When I can, I advise against using proprietary / 
non-free formats. But that is not always a choice and experience has 
shown me that commercial companies most usually that not don't give a 
**** on my opinion when I mail them to tell them " your site looks like 
c**p in anything else but IE ".

As a sidenote, on my home WS ( centos5 /x86_64) I still have to use 
adobe's flash plugin v9. Since upgrading to most recent firefox version 
as provided by the distro, with v10 all I get is a black rectangle 
instead of the clip. While on my work WS, firefox from RHEL6b2 /x86_64 
after some period of usage (counted in dozens of minutes at most) must 
be restarted or it simply does not react to any JS inside the pages.

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