On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Manuel Wolfshant
<wo...@nobugconsulting.ro> wrote:
>    Do you REALLY believe that in a world where 90% of the desktops are
> Windows, where 2 thirds of the browser market is shared by IE and safari
> and where making governments to share public documents in a public
> format rather than .doc/.xls/etc, web site managers would care if you
> stop visiting their site ( which you probably NEED to access otherwise
> you would not be trying to visit it in the first place)  ?

I don't agree with the suggestions here to restrict it, but I think
the implications here sucks.

Is it better to have a world where 90% is Fedora but every user has
less freedom over their data and applications than they would in
windows because they are only using Fedora as a really excellent
remote terminal to web applications which give them no control over
their data or the programs that they use?

Disallowing compatibility with the world doesn't fix it but neither
does ignoring the significant problems posed by non-free web
applications and the enormous influence they will have over the fedora
experience in the coming decades.

Or in other words— for those who care about freedom making Fedora a
first class platform for web apps is mostly just rearranging the deck
chairs on the titanic— we're screwed either way.
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