Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 11:18 AM John Harris <> wrote:
>> On Friday, January 18, 2019 8:14:32 AM EST Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>>> Note: Adding the Signed-off-by: line to a patch should be a conscious
>>> act and means that you certify you have the rights to submit this work
>>> under the same open source license.
>> I'd argue that changing your project-specific .gitconfig to sign-off any
>> commits is definitely a conscious act. Regardless, proprietary projects would
>> have just as much of a reason to have their developers sign-off their 
>> commits,
>> unless they solve the issue through a strong CLA or other contract with all
>> developers contributing. This is not specific to 'open source' or free
>> software projects.
> I was quoting from the git manpage. I didn't choose those words. Take
> it up with git upstream :-)

In case anyone chooses to do so, here's the last thread
where a commit.signoff config option patch was suggested:

There are links there to previous discussions, to provide


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