On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 5:57 AM David Herrmann <dh.herrm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2018 at 10:53 PM Tomasz Kłoczko
> <kloczko.tom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 25 Nov 2018 at 11:35, Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczko.tom...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> > [..]
> > > I’m talking about F30 recent change in which has been implemented switch 
> > > to dubs-broker.
> > > Ps. If this change has been propagated to F29 (hopefully not) more things 
> > > will be screwed.
> >
> > Seems I found what caused the issue.
> > I've been doing upgrade (only) dbus packages using rpm and for some
> > reason after all old dbus-daemon has been killed and deactivated and
> > at the same time dbus-broker has not been started.
> > Instant effect was very strange. For example I was unable to unpack
> > any archives with files owned by group/user not present in my system
> > because NSS seems now depends on dbus as well. After next few minutes
> > Gnome GUI crashed,
> >
> > if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
> >         systemctl --no-reload disable dbus-daemon.service
> >         systemctl --no-reload --global disable dbus-daemon.service
> >         systemctl --no-reload enable dbus-broker.service
> >         systemctl --no-reload --global enable dbus-broker.service
> > fi
> >
> > This dbus-broker %post scriplet seems is only swapping started
> > services but does not stops dbus-daemon and starts dbus-broker if
> > dbus-daemon is already runimg.
> You cannot stop dbus-daemon on a running system. This would tear down
> everything. The package upgrade needs a reboot.
> > At the same time because in spec file is missing uninstall dbus-daemon
> > by missing "Obsoletes: dbus-daemon" below
> Uninstalling dbus-daemon would break a running system, because it
> would stop the system bus. Furthermore, other packages still depend on
> tools provided by the old dbus-package. Can you elaborate why it is
> harmful to keep dbus-daemon around? We made sure you can manually
> remove it, unless other packages explicitly depend on the dbus-daemon
> binary for private buses.
> > %triggerpostun -- dbus-daemon
> > systemctl --no-reload preset dbus-broker.service
> > systemctl --no-reload --global preset dbus-broker.service
> >
> > has not been activated as well. IMO implementing whole transition with
> > leaving both old and new packages installed seems is wrong.
> >
> > Solution: login after all in single mode and execute "systemctl enable
> > dbus-broker" than reboot.
> This surprises me. You are saying a simple reboot did not solve your
> issues? The `enable` line is executed during upgrade, but you are
> saying on your system dbus-broker was not enabled after the upgrade?
> > Other problem is that dnf and rpm are executing batch of packages
> > scriplets not the same order with other operations. Breaking rpm
> > semantics by dnf is kind of asking for troubles.
> Thanks a lot for the report. We tested this upgrade with several
> different setups (both dbus-daemon and broker installed/not installed
> before the upgrade, etc.), and we didn't see this behavior. We are
> aware that this update needs a reboot to fully work, but we made sure
> it somewhat works even if you don't reboot. For rawhide, there is
> sadly no way to mark updates as "needs reboot".

I have two arm systems running rawhide and they've both had problems
where I've ended up without dbus running so no network etc. I needed
to explicitly login locally and enable/disable services and reboot to
get things working again.
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