* Dominik Mierzejewski:

> On Thursday, 15 November 2018 at 13:48, Florian Weimer wrote:
>> * Przemek Klosowski:
>> > I wonder if RedHat could be persuaded to modify their process to adopt
>> > a Fedora release instead of forking it, and backport into that
>> > release---let's call it "Fedora LTS a.k.a. CentOS Release Candidate"
>> > (FLAC-RC :). It would require perhaps more effort on the part of
>> > RedHat to avoid breakage in the middle of their development cycle, but
>> > that's probably a good CI practice anyway.
>> I'm not sure if the substantial changes in minor releases of Red Hat
>> Enterprise Linux would be acceptable to device vendors.  Red Hat
>> Enterprise Linux is a commercially supported distribution, but includes
>> substantially more changes than typical LTS releases.
> What's "typical LTS", then?

What Debian does for stable releases, and what Red Hat Enterprise Linux
is like on the EUS branches (which are not available through CentOS).
This mostly means: critical and import fix backports only.  I believe
Ubuntu is similar for their longer-lived releases.

From a device vendor perspective, this is important because it keeps
their maintenance costs down because it's less likely they have to
adjust their customizations very much.  If the graphics stack rebases
once every year, that's a much greater risk and requires more resources.

Of course, every vendor wants an initial rebase, to get support for
their hardware and the value-add software they have written (which may
well include a customer kernel or at least kernel modules).  And there
the problems begin.

I'm not saying that Fedora should do anything here.  Quite the contrary,
I think what device vendors want is not very useful to users, unless all
what they need is upstream already.  But then we should be able to keep
updating Fedora without causing problems for these devices, shoudln't

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