Je mer, 2018-11-14 je 18:34 +0100, Kevin Kofler skribis:
> > That is what make us different distro with its own user base. Want the
> > very same but LTS system? try CentOS. Or RHEL.
> +1. LTS Fedora is what CentOS is for. Why should we not just point users who 
> want LTS to CentOS and EPEL?

Crazy idea: Would it be possible to integrate CentOS into the Fedora
fold?  I am not intimately familiar with the relation between CentOS and
Fedora, but I can see two radical(!) changes that would address this

- Completely absorb CentOS into Fedora.  Every nth Fedora release
  becomes the equivalent of a CentOS release, and will be supported for
  a long time.

- Keep everything approximately the same, but rename CentOS to "Fedora

I agree otherwise, though.  Creating Fedora LTS seems like an effort in
futility when CentOS exists as a close enough approximation.

Best regards,

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