On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 09:54 +0200, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:03:07 -0400, Bill wrote:
> > Just saying that the person to commit the fixes found in the review
> > should (IMO) not be the reviewer themselves, even if they happen to
> > be a provenpackager. It allows for a having a second set of eyes on the
> > changes in the case where the maintainer may not have responded.
> It would have been an excellent opportunity for provenpackagers, who do
> Merge Reviews, to gain confidence in touching others' packages, but
> FESCo's anxiousness ruines it. The maintainer(s) would be the second
> pair of eyes. Don't forget the commit diff notification. They could
> object to commits they don't disagree with.

With either my provenpackager or my fesco hat on: yeah, I agree with

- ajax

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