On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:03:07 -0400, Bill wrote:

> Michael Schwendt said: 
> > >   * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/MERGE.html
> > >     (nirik, 19:59:05)
> > >   * AGREED: : encourage provenpackagers to commit to rawhide fixes for
> > >     merge reviews. said pp's should not be the reviewer.
> > 
> > Pardon? What exactly is the problem here with a pp being the one to find
> > an issue *and* commit the fix?
> Just saying that the person to commit the fixes found in the review
> should (IMO) not be the reviewer themselves, even if they happen to
> be a provenpackager. It allows for a having a second set of eyes on the
> changes in the case where the maintainer may not have responded.
It would have been an excellent opportunity for provenpackagers, who do
Merge Reviews, to gain confidence in touching others' packages, but
FESCo's anxiousness ruines it. The maintainer(s) would be the second
pair of eyes. Don't forget the commit diff notification. They could
object to commits they don't disagree with.
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