
On 08/06/2010 01:42 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Peter Czanik wrote:
>> While I guess, it's too late now to make a switch now, here is some good
>> news:
>> http://bazsi.blogs.balabit.com/2010/07/syslog-ng-contributions-
> redefined.html
>> Dual licensing will be gone with the upcoming syslog-ng v3.2.
> Nothing has really changed for practical purposes. There's still a
> non-Free
> "Premium Edition" with added features and a crippleware "Open Source
> Edition". The only thing which has changed is the way the non-Free
> features
> are delivered (as plugins instead of relicensing the whole thing). This
> doesn't resolve the complaint that upstream will be unwilling to add
> features which are specific to the non-Free edition.
> Crippleware "OSE"s suck. Fedora should not encourage this practice.
OSE is nothing near to being a crippleware. Most features arrive
simultaneously to OSE and PE (like support for the new syslog spec,
etc.) or appear in PE first and then migrated quickly to OSE (like SSL
and database support). Automatic testing of PE also helped to fix more
bugs in OSE than the community ever did. So the time and energy spent on
PE automagically helps to improve the OSE too.

A more detailed blog entry about the OSE vs. PE question is available at

And for those, who are more interested in technical details than
licensing, here is a list of what's new in syslog-ng OSE v3.2 alpha2:

CzP / from syslog-ng upstream...

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