Again, I believe some are trying to do an apples to apples comparison with
Discourse and mailing list technologies.  Discourse was build from the
ground up with the goal of fostering communication and collaboration.
Hyperkitty is a bolt on HTML to mailing list archives.  It's good for what
it is, but it isn't Discourse - and usage numbers tend to bear that out.

The fact is that email usage is declining.  People are moving away from it
and prefer to use other platforms for collaboration.  As with many
things... when something new comes out, there are a group of people who
push back and want things to stay as they are - history has proven time and
time again, that change is inevitable.  If something new is the better
solution, as people become aware of it and use it - it will become the go
to solution.  The examples are endless and span multiple disciplines.

Fedora has a long history of supporting new and innovative solutions and
toolsets.  That is what helps differentiate us as a distribution.  We need
a tool that will encourage more participation.  I believe Discourse will
help with this - people will discover new and more efficient ways to do
their work and the sun will rise the next day.
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