----- "Jesse Keating" <jkeat...@j2solutions.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 8/2/10 10:07 AM, Robert 'Bob' Jensen wrote:
> > Would "Fix your existing broken crap before taking up something
> new." be less antagonistic?
> No, it wouldn't, and you know that.  Now you're just intentionally
> being
> rude.  I ask again, please try to be civil on our public lists. 
> We're
> trying to create a welcoming friendly environment here, where it's OK
> to
> have disagreements without resorting to insults and antagonism. 
> Either
> be a part of that, or move along.

Yes, never criticise the mothership or it's employees. I forgot that rule, I am 
so sorry. I will drop it now...

Yes, I needed to toss in this last barb. I have a right to express my opinions 
for now, even if they are unpopular with a few.

-- Bob

|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
|       b...@fedoraunity.org        ||      http://fedoraunity.org/     |
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