----- "Lennart Poettering" <mzerq...@0pointer.de> wrote:

> No, it's not. I am just pushing systemd through right now, and did
> other
> stuff.
> Also, check upstream git to figure out whether a project is dead. The
> last commit there is from 2 weeks ago. Git can tell you something
> about
> whether development happens. Bugzilla just tells you whether I have
> devoted my life to processing bug reports. And well, I haven't done
> that. Sorry that I don't exclsuively spend my time on making my stats
> on
> bugzilla look pretty. If I did, then I would not get any real work
> done
> anymore.
> Most of the abrt stuff can probably be merged as duplicates. I'd
> welcome
> if somebody wants to go through this and do this.
> BTW, would be cool to direct flamewar-inducing mails like this to me
> directly, first. Unless of course you think flamewars are a good
> thing,
> not a bad thing.

The fact that the question was asked suggests to me that perhaps one should 
rethink what and how they are doing things. People have had this complaint 
since PA was forced on to the Fedora users.

And NO, sending emails to the list helps to point out problems to the community 
at large, and as you asked perhaps there is someone willing to help you with 
your lack of time and/or caring for BZ reports. If the email was sent privately 
that would never have been an option.

Just my $.02


|       Robert 'Bob' Jensen        ||       Fedora Unity Founder       |
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