On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 05:59:38AM +0000, Christopher wrote:
> Can we stop saying "dist-git" in our docs? Nobody knows what that is.
> The service at https://src.fedoraproject.org is clearly branded as "Fedora
> Package Sources".
> Using the jargon "dist-git" in our documentation is simply confusing, since
> it doesn't match what the service calls itself, and doesn't match any user
> interface packagers use. As far as I can tell, only people with a deep
> understanding of Fedora's infrastructure (which does not seem to be most
> packagers) know what this term means.
> For example, in
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/WhatHappenedToPkgdb , instead
> of saying "Browse to your project on Pagure over Dist-Git (Top Level
> link)", we should say: "Browse to your project's Package Source repository
> at https://src.fedoraproject.org";
> And, instead of saying "How do I request commit access to a dist-git
> repo?", we should say: "How do I request commit access to a Package Source
> repository?"
> Using special/internal/historical jargon, especially when that jargon
> doesn't correspond to the current packager experience when interacting with
> these services, only leads to confusion and should be avoided.

+1 to doing the change. This is especially important for people who need
the docs the most — newcomers.


> If we really need to use the term "dist-git" in the wiki, it should at
> least link to a glossary page that says "Dist-Git: A term which refers to
> the Fedora Package Sources repository hosting service at
> https://src.fedoraproject.org built on Pagure (an open source git
> repository management service)", instead of just assuming everybody seeing
> the term "dist-git" knows what that term is and where it came from.
> If we can avoid jargon with this term and other similar terms, it'd be a
> big help to our documentation.
> If this seems reasonable, I'd be happy to help start editing some of the
> wiki pages... but it'd be helpful if everybody maintaining infrastructure
> documentation was on the same page.
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