Martin Kolman wrote:
> That would be really nice! There are often cases where a fix or
> enhancement needs to land in at least two components at once (in our cases
> usually pykickstart & anaconda and/or blivet & anaconda) and the only
> "atomic" way of doing that is doing a chainbuild, which, frankly, sucks:
> - cryptic CLI syntax, no Web UI
> - totally different process from branched releases
> - you need to have commit right to all involved packages
> - no automated tests run on the results whatosoever
> - no way to tell list inidividual scratchbuilds in the past (AFAIK)
> So having the option to use Bodhi to group atomic package updates for
> Rawhide to a Bodho update would be really useful!
> - consistent with branched Fedora process
> - no need to be commiter for all packages, just tell the other maintainers
> to
>   add their new build to the update
> - tests could be easily hooked to the update
> - Web UI
> - ability to see & link people to pending & past updates
> I might be missing some of the technicalities but this really seems like
> a win-win solution while keeping the current process in place due to the
> updates being optional.
A chain build is much more effective than the Bodhi process though. See 
Milan Crha's reply.

        Kevin Kofler
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