On 03/08/2018 07:53 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Randy Barlow wrote:
>> It may be possible to automate the process a bit to make it less heavy
>> for developers, though there is some complication for multi-package
>> updates
> Some automation would help, sure. But if we are going to do things 
> automatically, why bother with Bodhi at all?

Well, we don't currently have another tool to show results and allow
waving of them. We could come up with another app and have yet a
different place and workflow from regular releases, but why not stick to
the same workflow and avoid making yet another app.
> We are already building into a pending tag for the autosigning, from which 
> the packages are moved into the final tag when they are signed. The same 
> process should work for autotesting. Just add it before or after the 
> autosigning in the pipeline, possibly with another intermediate tag.
> I think that Bodhi is really the wrong tool for the job here. What you are 
> trying to hit with your shiny hammer may look like a nail to you, but it is 
> really a screw. ;-)

I don't think thats the case here, it's more than we don't want to build
another different tool for something that could work with the hammer we

To be fair, there was a suggestion that we show results in
pagure/src.fedoraproject.org, but to me, that definitely sounds like the
wrong place for such things. We want tests tied to a specific update,
not the entire package as a whole. (Even thought we could fudge this by
having git tags or something to tie results to).


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