De: "Jakub Cajka" 

Hi Jakub,

> It depends (as everything) on available manpower, if you are willing to own 
> your dependencies
> you can package anything and everything debundled.

Sure, but available manpower depends on how high the bar you put for people 
wanting to join, and right now this bar is pretty high.

> On contrary, to this state you dislike(or seems to) Fedora got because of 
> effort of many to de
> bundle Go based projects.

I'm *not* disparaging the past efforts of many. They did a lot of good. 
Unfortunately, the result still falls short of the mark. The baseline is not 
complete enough, the baseline is old and aging fast, would-be Go packagers like 
Owen are ready to give up when they start getting an idea of the Go state in 

It's time to invest in tooling and simplification so the few Go Fedora 
packagers there is, can do more with less, so casual Go packagers can 
contribute their little bit instead of being repulsed by complexity that can be 
avoided and factored out, so people already familiar with Fedora packaging can 
package the Go bits they need without needing a lengthy formation on Go 

There *are* lots of people that would like to do Go packaging. Many Go software 
projects currently make headlines. That there are so few Go packagers in 
Fedora, at the time Go is in the limelight, is a pretty good indicator we are 
making it too hard.

> I don't see way how it makes it less painful(you have still the whole distro 
> issue). It makes specs 
> more abstract and streamlined when it works, but more opaque and hard to read 
> when its not(and you
> have to debug some arcane srpm/lua macros).

It makes it less painful because there is no package-specific magic in each and 
every Go spec file. 

You do not need to debug code in each spec because code that already just works 
for hundreds of  packages is unlikely to not work on the next spec file.

You do not need to comb each and every line of a Go spec file wondering if the 
line is cut and pasting of a common template (multiply by all past revisions of 
common templates) or if it is package-specific. The common parts are in common 
macros not spread right and left.

You do not need to worry wether common code is complete or not because 
factoring out common code removes the temptation to document 90% of what's 
needed, leaving others to fill in the missing 10%. 10% amounts to an 
astonishing level of work when you multiply it by the number of Go packagers 
and the number of Go packages we would ideally need.

Plus, when you do find a bug in common code, the fix is shared with the whole 
distribution, not hidden in a single spec file.

That's what successful factoring of common code earns you.

And given I have more than 470 Go spec files that just work with the proposed 
macros with no special package-specific adjustment needed, and most time I 
compare one of those to the Fedora equivalent I'm executing more unit tests and 
building more binaries, with drastically shorter spec code, I'm pretty sure the 
factoring out *is* successful.

>> This step is going to be painful I'm afraid, Fedora dug itself a
>> deep hole, leaving it is going to be hard.

> On contrary Fedora is trying to fill the hole that upstream Go projects dug 
> them selves in to.

Filling upstream holes is pretty much the definition of an 
integrator/distributor role. In Go they are particularly numerous and deep, but 
Fedora users do want their docker and kubernetes (and Kubernetes, BTW, is 
astonishingly free of the problems that plague many Go projects, proving it 
*is* possible to do good release engineering in Go).

Fedora did dug itself a hole by trying the bundling shortcut around EL7 time. 
Where are the EL7 Go packages? Why are Fedora Atomic people not spearheading Go 
packaging in Fedora? Waiting for bundling to be solved upstream-side made 
Fedora worse not better.

> IMNHO Go have traded any subjectively perceived "RPM/deb hell" for even 
> deeper levels of "Go 
> vendor) hell".

I fully agree. What I meant to convey is that replicating upstream vendoring 
Fedora-side only makes the situation worse for users, for upstreams, and for 

> Pain will not be eased in any significant way as you will still have to 
> carefully evaluate every
> change so you don't break any dependent package.

Pain *will* be eased in a significant way because we will have the tooling to 
detect breakage automatically, and because fixes once they're done will be 
packaged and shared.

>> The guidelines and automation aim at making upgrading easy, and avoid one
>> package or packager blocking others

> This is not really and automation per se. It is minor re-factoring and spec 
> streamlining.
> It might or might not enable easier implementation of packaging automation.

If it's minor let's do it. I'm quite sure you will be pleasantly surprised by 
the level of pain those minor changes remove.

>> That would be expensive computing-side but a lot less expensive and long than
>> expecting each Go packager to do it himself with his own means. And that is
>> certainly not overkill, given how lax Go projects are about maintaining API
>> stability.

> Until upstreams will be working in true CI/CD manners(when they do not make 
> any releases). Fedora 
> can't really fix this.

Fedora can detect the breakage which is the first step to fix it. It does not 
take an army of Go experts, just unbundled packages that can be rebuilt 
automatically to identify incompatibilities. Go experts are better employed 
working on fixes than doing rebuild checks that can be automated.

> Currently AFAIK we have GoFed and accompanying projects that provide you with 
> possibility to gather
> such data.

And nothing stops you for continuing to use those. Except, the golden test will 
always be to actually try to build the code, which is something that can be 
automated reliably once the dependencies exported to Fedora tools are 
themselves complete and reliable, and Go packages are exported as rpm packages, 
not hidden in private vendor trees.

>> And then in case of breakage, revert or create a compat package. That's why
>> there is a long chapter dedicated to compat package creation in the proposed
>> guidelines.

> Compat packages do not scale.

They scale a lot better than bundling, when an API break results in dozens of 
projects choosing to vendor a pre-break commit. With each of them choosing a 
slightly different state, resulting in ten times the amount of code to audit 
and maintain.

> Imagine that you will have in worst case maintain 10s of different
> versions of same package for every release, doing security backports, etc....

When you do not unbundle you are still shipping the vendored code, you are 
still responsible for its bugs (security  or not). Compat packages do not 
augment the code surface you have to care about, on the contrary they offer you 
the possibility to *reduce* the number of code states in the distribution.

Plus, they are the occasion, to notify upstreams they should move to a more 
recent code state. And reduce the number of code states you have to care about 
yet more. Not all upstreams are dead set against updating their vendoring. A 
lot of them are nice and responsible and just didn't see they had an API break 
to manage yet because their use of vendoring hid the problem.

Of course that supposes that creating a compat package does not add a 
significant package-creation burden. Which I *did* try to avoid. 
Organization-wise Go will still need a form of exemption to create many many 
packages easily, because Go code is spread over many many projects, and not 
consolidated in a few big libraries like in the C world.


Nicolas Mailhot
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