----- Mail original -----
De: "Owen Taylor"

Hi Owen,

> Is there a guide for Fedora packagers about how to handle unbundling for
> golang packages? The draft guidelines don't seem to go into any details.

I don't think there is, nor that it is necessarily needed. The posted 
guidelines should be sufficient technically, there are no magic I know of I 
didn't document, the rest is just a lot of work (but see ↓)

> I've looked at packaging a few golang packages unbundled, and have
> immediately run into:
> A) lots of unpackaged dependencies
> B) dependencies that are packaged in Fedora with different, often much
> older versions

Yes the state of Go packages in Fedora is pretty sad right now. I wouldn't 
expect anyone to be able to package anything but the most trivial app in 
unbundled mode. Too many common parts are missing, when they are not missing 
they are too old, trying to update an existing Go package is an exercise in 
frustration (too much package-specific shell code, that is difficult to 
understand and does not really work with new code versions), and trying to 
update or add missing parts just reveals more breakage and work to be done.

However, accepting to package complex Go apps in bundled mode is how Fedora got 
to this state in the first place. In plain speak, bundling (vendoring in Go 
linguo) just does not scale. You need an awful lot of manpower to audit the 
hundreds of other projects each app bundles, bundling removes all the package 
tooling that may help you to do so, and the result is not shared with any other 
package, or with other versions of the same package, so you get zero positive 
network effects. Worse, big bundled apps that do not actually try to work in 
unbundled mode, do not actually test the code they export (they are bundling, 
remember) so the result is toxic to small Go packages that try to work with 

So bundling parts is a direct road to bundling everything, bundling everything 
is a direct road to bundling everything blindly, bundling everything blindly is 
error-prone and dangerous (because upstreams are only human and do make lots of 
mistakes), and pretty much removes any value Fedora can add to end users, to 
other parts of Fedora that would like to integrate with Go software, or to the 
upstream projects themselves (no Fedora QA, no stream of Fedora-originated 
fixes, no Fedora pressure to stabilize parts when upstream is lost in tunnel 
effect mode and does not realize that it is wasting everyone's time starting 
with its own).

Therefore, trying to get all this it a better state, requires the following 
steps IMHO:

1. completely refactor our Go packaging style it's less painful to update Go 
packages and they do not need a packager with deep knowledge of 
package-specific shell glue. That takes documentation, and factoring out common 
Go packaging functions in shared rpm code (macros and autodeps) → that's what I 

2. using the new documentation and tooling to clean up years of Fedora 
technical debt, and create a new set of up-to-date Go packages that can serve 
as new baseline → I have hundreds of specs that I'm waiting for step 1 to 
complete to submit. They won't constitute a full baseline by themselves, 
they're not all 100% done, it's too much work to do alone but working with 
others requires the common macros and documentation to be merged and adopted. 
This step is going to be painful I'm afraid, Fedora dug itself a deep hole, 
leaving it is going to be hard.

3. hopefully, the result will be streamlined enough it won't be too painful to 
keep up to date, having an up to date baseline will help attract new Go 
packagers like you, everyone will benefit and be happy. We had to package some 
ostree bits for example to create this baseline, and I'm pretty sure ostree 
people within Fedora would prefer to maintain those themselves, if the rest of 
the Fedora go universe didn't make it too hard  

> B) more
> intimidating. It seems like to package the new package, I have to get the
> maintainer of the library to upgrade the version,

The guidelines and automation aim at making upgrading easy, and avoid one 
package or packager blocking others

> and someone needs to
> rebuild everything that depends on the rebuilt library and test that the
> rebuilt packages work.

I hope that normalizing Fedora Go packages means it will be possible to 
automate QA tests such as "try to rebuild all the packages that depend on 
golang(foo) every time you see the package providing golang(foo) changing, and 
report what broke"

That would be expensive computing-side but a lot less expensive and long than 
expecting each Go packager to do it himself with his own means. And that is 
certainly not overkill, given how lax Go projects are about maintaining API 

And then in case of breakage, revert or create a compat package. That's why 
there is a long chapter dedicated to compat package creation in the proposed 


Nicolas Mailhot
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