I wrote:
> This week, there have been almost daily nonempty update pushes (listing
> only the SRPMs here, and only the updates that affected me):
> * Jan 10 (previous batch)
> * Jan 11 (not batched, gtk3 and microcode-ctl)
> * Jan 12 (not batched, kernel, dhcp, dnfdragora, hplip, webkitgtk4)
> * none on Sat Jan 13 (some updates from RPM Fusion, but those have
>   separate repodata, so they don't count)
> * Jan 14/15 (night, not batched, bluez, python-nbconvert,
>   python-qtconsole)
> * Jan 15/16 (night, not batched, llvm with all its revdeps, hplip again)
> and now today (Jan 17)'s batch includes (for me) 135 (!) binary packages
> (less if you count the SRPMs, but in the end, the binary packages are what
> really matter).

And today (Jan 18), the day after the batch, there's yet another nonempty 
push: redhat-rpm-config/nim-srpm-macros, cmake, jnr-*, python-sphinx, 
twolame moved from RPM Fusion to Fedora.

        Kevin Kofler
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