January 9, 2018 9:59 PM, "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:

> Kevin Fenzi wrote:
>> To save all the Fedora users in the world from having to update metadata
>> for minor changes. Since there's a hourly dnf makecache every user in
>> the world pulls down new metadata ever time we update a repo.
> So to save people the download, you make a change that totally defeats the
> point of dnf checking for updates every hour to begin with?
>> If we update a repo for some minor enhancements it means everyone in the
>> world has to pay for that. If we just push all those out every tuesday and
>> don't update those unless there's something urgent we save everyone a
>> lot of bandwith and us computing time/resources.
> This does not work in practice because there are always updates that are not
> batched.
>> There are definitely more days when there are no updates for a
>> particular repo now. Of course there would be even more if you (or those
>> who do likewise) wouldn't skip batched, but probibly we need to explain
>> why more clearly.
> Are there really? The last couple days, there were basically daily pushes
> with around 2 updates each.

  So, if there ARE updates to be pushed (marked urgent?) and we update metadata
ANYWAY, this is a good point to flush everything from batched in this push.
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