On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 09:57:56AM +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 07/28/2010 01:08 AM, Mike McGrath wrote:
> >> On 07/27/2010 10:53 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Are we skipping Firefox 4 for Fedora 14?  Beta 2 has been released
> >>> recently and I am wondering if we can go with it if it fits into the
> >>> schedule.  There are dozens of new features including WebM support that
> >>> would be nice to have.
> >
> > -1 didn't the last time we started using a pre-release from Mozilla turn
> > out pretty bad for us?
> That was Firefox 3.0 included as RC in Fedora 9, from an user 
> perspective my memories about it are sweet... it was worse with 
> Thunderbird 3, which was included in a release (F11) in Beta stage, and 
> not even a late beta, it was something like Beta2, but AFAIK Firefox is 
> expected to be RC around F14.
> And while Thunderbird 3 was included due to the slow development pace of 
> the upstream (we used to have a very old Tb 2), Firefox 4 comes with at 
> least a killer feature, WebM (IIRC, another killer feature is the new js 
> engine)

WebM? That's hardly a killer feature for me. I don't even know what does
it mean...

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