On Tue, 27 Jul 2010, Filipe Rosset wrote:

> Em 27-07-2010 18:53, Rahul Sundaram escreveu:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Are we skipping Firefox 4 for Fedora 14?  Beta 2 has been released
> > recently and I am wondering if we can go with it if it fits into the
> > schedule.  There are dozens of new features including WebM support that
> > would be nice to have.
> >
> We was delayed in F-12 (two weeks) and in F-13 (two weeks), probably
> we'll have a final version for Firefox 4 before or a bit after we
> release F-14. Another thing, we can test a lot and assist in upstream
> during our testing phase.
> It's +1 for me.
If Fedora didn't have stability issues I'd be all for it, but we do.  And
part of it is because we shoot from the hip with stuff like this.  If
Mozilla doesn't think it's ready yet, I don't know why we would think it

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