On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 5:57 AM,  <nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> wrote:
>>De: "Panu Matilainen"
> Hi Panu,
>>> But don't override %setup. There's no need for such abuse
>> It is really pretty safe, the macro controls the downloaded file, the file 
>> structure is known, the only time it won't "just
>> work" is when a spec needs to call %setup several times (in that case the 
>> arguments will be wrong for the second call).
> BTW the macro know even more than that, it knows the archive filename for 
> which setup needs specific arguments so it could be made 100% transparent and 
> safe if it was possible to specify
> "if archive == %{archivename}%{archiveext} change %setup to %setup 
> %{?setupargs}"

%setup is a very special macro. It's not actually written in macro
language, (and neither is %patch, for that matter). It's really not a
good idea to override it, especially if people need to do multi-source

And the issue you're having that requires %setupargs is not a problem
in RPM 4.14, which ships in Fedora 27 and newer, and will be part of

If you'd like this to be fixed in EL7 or something, then file a bug
report against RHEL 7 and see if anything can be done about it.

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