De: "Panu Matilainen"

Hi Panu,
> Kudos for work on reducing repetitive complex error prone cruft in specs!


> But don't override %setup. There's no need for such abuse

It is really pretty safe, the macro controls the downloaded file, the file 
structure is known, the only time it won't "just work" is when a spec needs to 
call %setup several times (in that case the arguments will be wrong for the 
second call).

And, how many specs need to do that? Especially when the target project uses 
modern forge hosting? That's already deep rpm black magic land for most 

I can add a guard so the override is only set when %{setupargs} is non empty if 
you want.

> Use something like %forgesetup instead which signifies it's something a 
> bit special

I don't want to signify it's a bit special, that's one more step the packager 
can do wrong, I'd rather have the common case easy and the complex cases 

Granted, the macro makes the complex cases a tad more complex, but if you're 
already in multiple-setup-call hell, how difficult is it to set %{setupargs} to 
"" ?

But, I'll bow to whatever FPC decides. *I* won't make the wrong macro call in 
my specs :).

> and allows you to %autosetup underneath on versions where macro arguments are 
> expanded (rpm >= 4.14)

Interesting, are the changes described somewhere? Not that I want to break 
compat with el7 from the startup if I can avoid it


Nicolas Mailhot
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