Kevin Kofler píše v Út 18. 07. 2017 v 03:06 +0200:
> Jiří Eischmann wrote:
> > I agree with Matt here, Fedora Project's mission (neither the old
> > one,
> > nor the new draft) doesn't say anything about RPM. RPM is just
> > means to
> > an end, not the goal. And I don't know why Fedora should be tied to
> > RPM
> > forever. Really successful brands don't die when their current
> > solution
> > stops being relevant, really successful brands are able to
> > transition
> > themselves and stay relevant as the market shifts.
> You are implying there that RPM is (or will soon be) no longer
> relevant, 
> which is just not true. Flatpak does NOT deliver equivalent
> functionality.

No, I'm not implying that RPM is no longer relevant, I'm implying that
it might not be relevant in the (even distant) future. I don't think no
one here wants to get rid of RPM while it's relevant. Just like car
companies are not ditching traditional cars because they're still very
much relevant, but  if we keep RPM as a dogma with the mindset "I can't
ever imagine Fedora without RPM", we will drive ourselves into
irrelevancy if the market really shifts to something else eventually.

Maybe in 10 years we will find that RPM is still the best way to put
the OS together and ship it to users, maybe there will be better
alternatives, who knows and if Fedora doesn't explore these
alternatives early enough, yeah, then we will no longer be relevant as
an OS.

IMHO the mission of the Fedora Project is to provide a free OS, not a
necessarily an RPM distro. Yes, RPM has happened to be the way we put
the OS together since the beginning, but that doesn't mean we can't
look past that just like car companies which want to survive in the
long run are looking into electric and hydrogen cars although for their
whole history they have only produced cars with internal combustion


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