On la, 01 heinä 2017, Dario Lesca wrote:
Il giorno sab, 01/07/2017 alle 06.29 +0300, Alexander Bokovoy ha
While there is no automatic upgrade to Samba AD is planned,
we'd like to ensure smooth distribution upgrade.

Does this mean?

I have on Fedora 25 + samba 4.5.x rebuild with this spec modify (and
some other):

-%global with_mitkrb5 1
-%global with_dc 0
+%global with_mitkrb5 0
+%global with_dc 1

Then now I use the Heimdal Kerberos, not MIT kerberos

When fedora 27 + samba AD will come, how can I migrate the server?
By standing up a new DC and then removing the old DC from the topology.
I don't think we ever going to support any other upgrade path between
Heimdal-based and MIT Kerberos-based Samba AD DCs.

Is this the right procedure?
If you just want to replace a DC with another DC, then you only need
to add the new DC to the domain, let replication do its thing,
transfer any FSMO roles from the old DC to the new DC, demote old DC
and then turn off the old DC.
Yes, this is the right procedure.

Or I can move the /var/lib/samba /etc/samba and some other stuff from
old server to new server?
While we tried to maintain the same ldb content between the backends,
there is no guarantee that in-place upgrade would work here. It is too
fragile to replace Heimdal build with MIT build on the same machine.

When the firs (beta) F27 + samba 4.7 AD will be release, I will try the
upgrade on a test virtual environment.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
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